Jewish Voice for Labour statement on Manchester ‘Enough’ rally


Today a further ‘Enough is Enough’ rally took place in Manchester. Jewish Voice for Labour has issued a statement about the event and its context:


The event itself was well attended but, according to observers, a ‘mixed bag’ – a number of anti-Corbyn speakers who seemed barely to mention antisemitism in their eagerness to oust Labour’s leader, but others who addressed issues rather than personalities and received some heckling from a section of the crowd who wanted to bring the issue back to Corbyn.

Speakers included at least two Tory MPs. In spite of the Conservatives’ decision last week to vote against a European Parliament censure motion against antisemitic Hungary premier Viktor Orbán, they were not dis-invited or no-platformed.

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7 responses to “Jewish Voice for Labour statement on Manchester ‘Enough’ rally”

  1. When are Corbyn and his advisors going to cop on to the fact that they will have to take the offensive against the Zionist liars and their friends.

    • John, I agree completely and have advocated the same many times.

      Jeremy Corbyn however is in a terrible bind because of the power of the right wing, often Zionist influenced media. Whatever he says will be twisted and spun so that it does not relate in any to his meaning or intention so as to influence the general public against him.

      One way to counteract this is for members themselves to, as Jeremy put it at a rally in Liverpool “become his media”. With that in mind, Miko Peled the Jewish Israeli writer and firm supporter of Jeremy Corbyn has been invited to a fringe meeting at the conference where he will speak out strongly in favour of Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party and against the activities of the Israeli lobby seeking to remove Jeremy as Leader. Also invited is Issa Amro from Hebron, the Palestinian founder of the charity – Youth Against Settlements. He too will speak in favour of JC and Labour.

      These two speakers are a prime example of how, not just we in Britain are longing for Jeremy to become our PM but millions around the world who are watching and hoping that we can show them the way to get decent leaders elected in their own countries.

      We need therefore to get this out into the media and the public so that they hear the other side of the story but told by those with impeccable credentials.

      • Great comment – thank you.

        I hope this meeting is videoed so people can watch it.

  2. Targeted demonisation. Funny how fundamental lessons from history are never learned.

  3. Antisemitism accounts for 1.3% of hate crimes and the latest CST report shows a decline of 8%. I am appalled by this fabricated attack on Labour which is not motivated by a genuine desire to combat such racism, but to undermine Corbyn and silence support for Palestine.

    Other forms of racism represent 74% of hate crimes and are grew by up to 40% last year.

    Yesterday I was with other Labour members and anti-racist groups, including people of varied religions and none, demonstrating against a march of the far right DFLA in Sunderland. We were threatened and intimidated, and I pay tribute especially to the brave Muslim, Black and coloured young women who stood their ground. Many of those anti -racist women and men, and their white comrades, are Labour members. As such they are the very people disgracefully and cynically demonised for dishonest political gain. While the growing far right, responsible for most antisemitic and Islamophibic crimes are relatively ignored.

    Enough is really Enough!

  4. Yes the 3 forces against JC and his supporters have to try to keep the momentum up – the Right Wing and Liberal media – to protect big business interests, Conservative Jewish forces – to try to impose one dominant narrative on diverse Jewish citizens (total and uncritical support for Israel) and the Right Wing Labour opportunist MPs – to try to get rid of Corbyn. As we stand by JC we should support the Right of Return for Palestinians but Israel won’t talk peace because “It wants to maintain its religious, ethnic and economic supremacy” (Eraket, 2018) and it’s as simple as that.