“Jeremy Hunt in fresh apology to MP watchdogs after 2nd blunder over luxury flats” | politicshome.com

“Chris Grayling: Rail industry failed passengers over timetable changes” | politicshome.com

#SaveSouthendNHS statement on STP consultation

“Abandoned by the British, Afghan interpreters explain how they wait for years seeking safety” | The Conversation

“In just 1 minute, a lawyer tears apart the new £2,000 NHS tax plan ripoff” | The Canary

“The DWP’s most ‘brutal’ reform has just been slammed by Parliament” | The Canary

“Marci Phonix – Liberties [Music Videos]” | GRM Daily (Youtube)

“A viral grime artist is done with our politicians taking ‘liberties’ over Windrush” | The Canary

“Sinn Fein introduces Homeless Prevention Bill” | Sinn Fein

“VIDEO: Gav Williamson’s priceless faces as Madeley terminates interview for non-response” | The Skwawkbox

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