Excl: Rees-Mogg ‘white-shirt’ partying in nazi uniform

Since the events took place on Friday, the SKWAWKBOX has published analysis of the video footage from Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg’s speech at University of West England (UWE) in Bristol, proving that the ‘antifa’ protesters who disrupted the event, while noisy, were peaceful and that physical contact was initiated by a white-shirted Rees-Mogg supporter.

The video evidence is completely at odds with the presentation of events by mainstream and right-wing media – and senior Tory politicians – who have described ‘left-wing violence and intimidation’.

Yesterday, the SKWAWKBOX revealed the identity of the white-shirted man as a Bristol-based martial arts instructor and keen poster of pro-Mogg petitions. The Tory ministers were informed and invited to retract and apologise, but have so far failed to do so.

Now the SKWAWKBOX has received a series of photographs showing the same man at a party – in nazi ‘SS’ uniform – of which a selection is shown below:

townsley ss3

townsley ss

The uniform looks realistic apart from a reversed swastika on the cap badge. Judging by the trophy in one image, they may have been taken at a party for Townsley’s martial arts school. The identity of the photographer is unknown.

The images are published here on the grounds of overwhelming public interest. In 2011, then-Tory MP Aidan Burley resigned after sparking outrage by attending a party at which similar uniforms were worn. Six years earlier, Prince Harry had to issue a public apology for wearing nazi uniform to a fancy dress party.


Jacob Rees-Mogg has denied knowing his supporter, but these images will be highly embarrassing for Tory front-benchers Sajid Javid and party chair Brandon Lewis, along with others at the forefront of the Conservatives’ attempts to misrepresent and exploit Friday night’s ‘altercation’.

Paul Townsley was asked for comment but has not so far responded.

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23 responses to “Excl: Rees-Mogg ‘white-shirt’ partying in nazi uniform”

  1. This diversionary activity away from the yobos is disheartening. Even James O’Brien is highly critical of them. Blackening Townsley’s name even further does you no credit as reporter. So sorry, but goodbye Skwawkbox

  2. No mention of right wing protesters disrupting Greenwich Council meeting Thursday evening,threatening councillors resulting in police being called to restore order. Not happy with demonstrators behaviour at University but equally not happy with white shirt man and cannot understand attitude of previous poster who feels he is having his name blackened. Behave like that then suffer the consequences.

  3. Pingback: “Rees-Mogg ‘White-Shirt’ partying in Nazi uniform” | The Skwawkbox | COMRADE BOYCIE: VIVA THE ANTI-TORY/BIG BROTHER REVOLUTION!·
  4. Pingback: Excl: Rees-Mogg ‘white-shirt’ partying in nazi uniform | The SKWAWKBOX – leftwingnobody·
  5. Nor will they. They are cowards to boost. Tories and taking responsibility or facing the music for their actions do not go into one sentence. They probably come out with the pathetic response of ‘we have done nothing wrong’.

  6. Quite possibly. But it does look pretty real from the video. Personally, I think their time would have been better spent getting a leaflet together outlining Mogg’s beliefs, printing off a couple of thousand copies, and distributing them around Bristol.

    • NB I was responding to Diogenes (but several people left comments in the meantime!)

  7. What is also odd, is that he appears to be the only one dressed up. Even in jest this is repulsive.

  8. Pingback: Tories preparing to censor left-wing politics – ducksoap·
  9. Pingback: Now THIS is how you tell a right-wing US President he’s wrong | Hercules space·